"A New Day and a New Way"
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Author:  paulrace [ Mon Jul 30, 2018 7:00 am ]
Post subject:  "A New Day and a New Way"

A reader writes:

I wondered if you could tell me where I could tell me where I am find music to an early 70s Contemporary Christian song: New Day. The beginning was something like “There’ll Be a new day and a new way” thanks.


Usually I don't have much trouble tracking these down. In this case, though, there are too many recent songs using related phrases to get back to the one you're interested in. Can you remember anything else about it?

Thanks and God bless,

Paul Race

Can anyone else help with this? Thanks - Paul

On Sat, Jul 28, 2018 at 06:32 PM, wrote:
firstname: Janne
lastname: Ballard
comment: Janne Ballard

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